
閱讀暖身Tourist(遊客)和Traveler(旅人)有何不同?專精LA旅行的部落客Jasmine說,造訪好萊塢、購物、甚至吃一個漢堡,Tourist和Traveler都有不同走法。不必非成為其中一種人,從文中走過這兩條旅行路徑,你會更清楚下一趟旅行想要什麼。進入本文前,想想以下單字英文怎麼說:A.鑑賞家 B.注入 C.精髓的

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Coffee: Starbucks VS. Lamill Coffee

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Tourists go to Starbucks, the mega-chain coffee stores for the masses.Travelers are in general more adventurous and would love to try out what locals love. So, try local gourmet coffee, Lamill Coffee. This chic cafe in Silver Lake is so serious about its coffee to the point that it's just like how wine (A)connoisseurs treat their wine. Every single drip (1)has character. Complimented with Providence chef Michael Cimarusti's splendid food menu, having a bite or sip here is a feast to savor and of style. (Insider Tip: Don't forget to order the creme brulee cappuccino or orange (B)infused cappuccino, it is literally heaven!)觀光客上大型連鎖咖啡店如星巴克,旅人探索當地人熱愛的美食咖啡。位於銀湖城的Lamill Coffee,對待咖啡的態度有如鑑賞葡萄酒-每一滴都有所堅持。再搭配名廚Michael Cimarusti的豪華菜單,在此用餐品咖啡是一場口感和風格的盛宴。(內行人小訣竅:法式焦糖布丁卡布奇諾、柳橙風味卡布奇諾,令人彷彿置身天堂。)Burger: In-N-Out VS. Umami BurgerThe famous burger chain In-N-Out is the go-to burger place when you are in California.Yet, things tend to get a bit more diverse in this multi-ethnic melting pot city, and fusion food has become one of the city's most (C)quintessential cuisines. Umami Burger, the hybrid of the American burgers and the Japanese concept of the savory, bold, and flavorful fifth taste has taken the burger world by storm. With unique cooking techniques and naturally umami-enriched ingredients, Umami Burger has brought the (2)Asian sensation to a whole new level and upgraded your taste buds. (Insider Tip: The signature truffle burger is a must. You'll never see American burger the same way after you take a bite of it.)每個遊客到加州必訪的漢堡店就是In-N-Out漢堡,不過在種族多元的洛杉磯,異國風味料理已經深入城市的靈魂。融合美式漢堡和日本「鮮味」概念的Umami Burger席捲漢堡界,獨特烹飪技巧和富含鮮味的食材,把亞洲口感體驗提升到全新的境界,味蕾也升級了。(內行人訣竅:必點松露漢堡,只要咬下一口一定對美式漢堡改觀。)Hollywood: TLC Chinese Theatre VS. Hollywood Forever cemeteryWhether it's the Oscar-hosting Dolby Theatre or the TLC Chinese Theatre, the most iconic movie palace where most the movie premieres are held right on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, they are all that people think about whenever the name Hollywood is mentioned.Cemetery sounds creepy, yet the open outdoor, green, gorgeous Hollywood Forever Cemetery is where all the well-curated Hollywood classics are shown and where local cinema enthusiasts come to enjoy screenings while having awesome picnics. Now, that's how you do an unforgettable movie date.星光大道上舉辦奧斯卡的杜比劇院、舉辦最多電影首映會的中國戲院,都是提起好萊塢,最容易浮現的印象。而在墓地看電影,乍聽毛骨悚然,但空間開放、充滿綠意的好萊塢永生公墓,播放精心策畫的好萊塢經典,電影狂熱者可以邊野餐邊享受影片。這樣的電影約會肯定難忘。Beach: Santa Monica Beach VS. El Matador State Beach.The Santa Monica Beach and Pier is unmistakably one of the best known beaches in sunny Southern California. Whether it's the iconic ferris wheel at Pacific Park or the Route 66 endpoint landmark at the Santa Monica Pier, they are all popular tourist attractions.In contrast to the overly populated Santa Monica Pier, taking the drive north, you will reach El Matador State Beach, where the locals come to enjoy some quiet, quality me time and privacy with breathe-taking ocean views. (Insider Tip: Forget about beauty-tanning, wear shoes and come here to enjoy the prettiest sunset of your life.)聖塔莫尼卡無疑是南加州最為人所知的海灘,代表性的摩天輪或碼頭上66號公路終點路標都是熱門景點。但往北走,你會來到El Matador State海灘,當地人來此享受寧靜的獨處時光和令人屏息的海景。(內行人訣竅:比起日光浴,這兒更適合不脫鞋,享受最美的日落。)世界公民,這是商業英語的last mile!很多人都說,英文好薪水會加倍,可以換到外商工作、可以更輕鬆溝通……英文確實可以為你做很多很多事,但是,它能為你的人生帶來的最大祝福是:找回失去的自信、耐心、膽量……還有,花了二十年還在跟英文纏鬥的人。人生不要一輩子都在跟英文纏鬥吧,要嘛放棄它不要有罪惡感,要不就征服它帶來成就感,英文學習的最後一站,報名電話(台北)02-27215033、(新竹)03-5782199,。(工商時報) var _c = new Date().getTime(); document.write('');


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